About us
About Kizombalove Functional Therapy
Kizombalove functional therapy is a concept developed by José N’dongala to unite some key health care agents, health coaches and other health professionals in order to provide an integrative and a holistic care to people in need. All the members of the Kizombalove functional therapy have one and the same ‘motto’:
Remove the root cause to promote health
Kizombalove Functional Therapy
Our aim is to guide you to lead “uma vida sana”(a healthy lifestyle) so you can enjoy each and every day, without any pain, frustration nor worries.
We offer health coaching through 4 major pillars:
Our services are mostly online (about 70%) as we work with several well-trained coaches and health care professionals to help you optimize your health (mentally, physically and spiritually) with an holistic approach. If you have been struggling with chronic and persisting health issues, rest assured that we can provide, through health coaching, a healthier and a natural way to bring your body again in balance.
In our fast growing and changing society stress has become a major factor to bring our health out of balance resulting in many diseases that many people face today. Many scientific research reveal that there is a major link between stress and disease. With our diverse services and professionals, we can optimize and improve your health through lifestyle change, diet and a favorable environment.
We believe that conventional medicine is very good at treating acute issues such as broken leg, physical injuries, heart attacks, wounds, surgery… however for chronic health problems, functional medicine health coaching (and other related therapies), is a suitable alternative to improve your health. Because it has many ‘natural benefits’ without any side effect.
A wellness-based approach is the central core of our services and health coaching to promote optimal health through lifestyle change, diet and a favorable environment.
We recommend all our clients to consult with their doctor to accurately diagnosticate the disease. Because we do not do any diagnostic. We provide health coaching, through the window of functional medicine, to balance your body’s electrolytes and mineral through a way that is more suitable for our body: lifestyle change and diet.
What is functional medicine ?
Functional Medicine determines how and why illness occurs and restores health by addressing the root causes of disease for each individual.
institute for functional medicine
Functional Medicine is an integrative, science-based healthcare approach that treats illness and promotes wellness by focusing on the bio-chemically unique aspects of each patient, and then individually tailoring interventions to restore physiological, psychological, and structural balance!
functional medicine university