Transformation Coaching

Transformation coaching is the right choice for anyone who would like to see significant change in each and every aspects of their life.  Try and answer the below questions honestly to help identify which challenges you are facing:

  1. Are you facing some emotional trouble?
  2. Do you want to achieve success to maximum capacity?
  3. Do you want to learn how to control your emotions effectively?
  4. Do you have a low self-esteem?
  5. Do you want to see a dramatic shift in your behaviors?
  6. Did you lose your sense of identity and want to have it back so you can get focused again to your core beliefs?
  7. Do you want to improve your relationship with yourself, your soulmate and your environment?
  8. Do you want to know how to become efficient in the law of believing (law of attraction)?
  9. Do you want to learn how to believe beyond any doubt, that you can learn anything, be anyone, achieve whatever you put your mind into?
  10. Is your wish to become an innovative thinker?
  11. Do you wish to become self-disciplined?


Transformation coaching


  1. Perhaps learning how to raise the bar of your expectations?
  2. Do you want to break through in your own field?
  3. Do you want to learn how to ask the right questions?
  4. Do you want to discover the keys for an effective parental guidance?
  5. Do you want to have a happy family?
  6. Do you not like yourself enough?
  7. Are you willing to discover how to make graceful and accurate affirmations to upgrade your mind to the divine?
  8. Do you want to reach the pinnacle of success in your arena?
  9. Do you feel like learning language patterns to improve your relationship with you soul mate, your children or with anyone else?
  10. Are you willing to learn how to overcome/forget your past life failures, enjoy the present moment and believe for a bright future?
  11. Are you ready to understand how you can forgive yourself and others so you can freely enjoy life without any emotional limitations/condemnation?
  12. Do you want to become an action taker instead of a lazy procrastinator so you can do things in timely manner?


Transformation coaching


  1. Are you willing to learn how to set short-term and long-term goals?
  2. Do you want discover your gift and talents and  leverage them in your life?
  3. Are you willing to  discover how to develop a personal story that evokes emotion, establishes connection and inspires people to follow your example?
  4. Are you envying others?
  5. Do you want to understand how to become efficient and reach all your goals effectively? So you can profit from all your endeavors?
  6. Do you want to unlock the secrets on how to tap into the resources that life, God – if you believe in Him – or nature has for you?
  7. Do you want to fill in the void in your life?
  8. Do you want to become more efficient at whatever thing you like? Perhaps becoming more aware and conscious of your inner emotions and life?
  9. Becoming a “master of persuasion” is your dream?
  10. Do you want to learn how to prepare your mind to see infinite possibilities unfolding to you? And last but not least…
  11. Are you sure that your needs and wants are balanced?

How many of these life challenges can you relate to? Some of them? All of them?

Transformation cycle of a butterfly

Photo by source

Now apparently you are curious and want to see change, right?
Ok, you are surely excited to know how I can help you transform your life for the better, knowing that you’ve gone through so many things, do you agree? You may also be physically, emotionally and spiritually completely broken. Don’t worry! Yes, don’t worry and have NO fear!
One thing of which you can already be sure, as long as you can breathe and your heart is still beating ‘there is always hope’. 
Let me tell you something that will shed some light right away in your mind and fill you with positive emotion and energy.
It’s known that a heart that abruptly stops beating can be reanimated with special technique applied by a trained health care provider. Well, the same goes with the ‘heart of your mind’. When it undergoes what I call an “emotional cardiac arrest”, it can also be reanimated if an “ex-cellent” transformation coach reacts “on time” with the “right technique”. So ‘there is always hope’!
Did you know that medical experts reveal that there are symptoms of sudden “cardiac arrest”? They say that specific warning signs and symptoms may appear up to two weeks before “cardiac arrest” takes place. There are also specific warning signs and symptoms that may appear before someone undergoes what I call an “emotional cardiac arrest”. 
Personally I will certainly take all the necessary measures (in collaboration with my doctor) to strengthen my heart and avoid a “sudden cardiac arrest” by any means. And quite frankly, the metaphor of the “emotional cardiac arrest” creates a vivid image in your mind so you become aware and start transforming your life today.
My question to you, this very day, is to know whether or not you already have taken all the healthy mental measures to solidify your “emotional heart” to avoid a sudden “emotional cardiac arrest”.
Do you know how to recognize specific warning signs and symptoms that may lead to a sudden “emotional cardiac arrest”?
Well, just as your “physical heart” can stop beating, your “emotional heart” can also stop beating and get reanimated on time. So there is always hope. I never give up and neither should you!

Well, just as your “physical heart” can stop beating, your “emotional heart” can also stop beating and get reanimated on time. So there is always hope. I never give up and neither should you!
Are you often put down by a very small whisper of a voice telling you that you are ‘not capable’, or trying to convince you that you are ‘less important’ than other people? Is your inner voice bringing many doubts in you and causing paralysis analysis in your mind? Well, trust me and rest assured that the techniques I use will raise your self-esteem, bring you back into balance, empower and completely, completely and entirely transform you in no time! 
You see, you only have ‘one life’ to fully live in this wonderful world God gave us with beautiful nature… And remember also that you are in this world to have an abundant life and be in good health as you lead a balanced life. You are a seed with full potential to germinate and bring lots of fruit. How many fruits have you already brought in your life? Are you happy with your life?
I have lots of experience and expertise to guide you through a transformation that lead to prevailing success in all fields of your life.
You know what, quite honestly, you deserve much better than what you are facing today?
Now, before your inner voice or a very small whisper tries to report this opportunity to another moment (that perhaps will never come back again), please feel free to contact me today for a free session. Because this is your chance to run your life into a much faster and higher orbit. See you soon.
You will be transformed in the following fields:
  1. Emotionally
  2. Physically
  3. Spiritually
  4. Financially
Please find below seven sources and insights I use to build the tools and techniques I’ve modeled, in 12 chapters, to positively transform different people in a wide range of situation:
  1. NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
  2. Personal development
  3. 7 seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey
  4. Body language (contrast between verbal and nonverbal expression)
  5. Victor Wierwille’s spiritual techniques on the law of believing
  6. Affirmation
  7. Voice recording 
After your free session, you will have a panoramic view of an arsenal of techniques designed to transform your life, as you wish, in no time.

José N'dongala